Create a New User – Specialist


This page goes through where to create a new Specialist account and what details should be filled in upon the creation of the account (including fields with a red asterisk that are mandatory and must be filled in). Once a specialist has been added into the service, you can manage their availabilities and the type of reports/medicolegal work they’ve agreed to with this service.

Where to Create a New Specialist

Go to User Accounts -> Specialists through the sidebar.

Click “Add New Specialist”.

Details to Add for a Specialist Account

Fill in as much necessary information as you can. Switch between tabs to access different details of a specialist.

Notable details of a specialist to add include:

Name and Contact Information (top of the page)

  • Name with Title
  • Contact Information
    • Email (Business email is mandatory)
    • Phone numbers
  • Industry Expertise
  • Details about a specialist’s contract and work they’ll do for this service:
    • General Profile
    • Accepted Report Types
    • Booking and Cancellation Terms
    • Confidential Insights
  • Skills and Specialties including their accreditations
  • Additional contact information:
    • Secretary or Practice Manager
    • Fax Number
    • Email(s) to be used for correspondence 
  • Status of whether they accept:
    • Video/Telehealth Assessments
    • Medical Negligence Cases
  • Documents to help with typing the report:
    • Resume/CV
    • Letter Head
    • Signature
    • Report Template
    • Sample Report
  • Emails that are sent to help the specialist organise their appointments
  • Untick “Subscribed” if the specialist doesn’t want to receive the selected emails
  • Specialist’s office and mailing addresses
  • Recruitment Status:
    • Recruiting – doctors we’re interested in recruiting or has done minimal work with us
    • Onboarding – In the process of establishing a contract with the specialist
    • Onboarded – Contract established and is working with the service
  • Contract with the specialist (Status: Onboarded)
  • Payment Provider Number (up to 4)
  • Bank Details
  • Agreed splits in fees
    • Operator Add-On Rate: applied when we provide extra services to a case (typing, clinic room)
    • Operator Standard Rate: applied when no extra services is provided to a case (typing, clinic room)
    • Gross Margin COT (Commission On Top)
    • Fixed Provider Payment Amount
  • Prepayment Agreement
  • List of Clinics/Medical Centres the specialist works at
  • Click “Add Centre” to add a medical centre already in the service
    • Click the following link to create a new medical centre
  • After you’ve clicked “Add Centre”, a pop-up window appears
  • Change the display option to “All Clinics”
  • Type in the search bar to find the specialist’s medical centre
  • Click “Add” to the corresponding clinic to register the specialist to the clinic 
  • When all clinics have been registered, click “Save”
  • Registered clinics are displayed in “Assigned Medical Centres”

When all details have been added. Click “Create” to add the new specialist into the service.